You’ve heard it before but it bears repeating: Pack away the collectibles, clear the mantle and clean off the piles of stuff that have accumulated on countertops and coffee tables. The more clutter and stuff in your home, the smaller your space will appear. So be ruthless with and even consider off-site storage if you’re having trouble purging.
2. Create killer closets.
Closets impress; they can wow and seduce. But only if they look spacious and organized. The solution: Invest in affordable storage systems that max the potential of these interior spaces—be they a front hall, bedroom, linen or laundry room closets. And don’t stuff them. Leave lots of breathing room and make sure the closet spaces themselves are completely finished with fresh paint, mouldings and flooring. Potential buyers will see these closets—and your home—as a space that will help make their life not only better organized but less stressful.
3. Temper your décor:
Maybe you love gothic art, Canadiana or all things rock ’n’ roll. No problem, just remember that not everyone shares your passion. Calm your style statement in the interest of appealing to the maximum number of buyers. You can always return some of your prized pieces to their original position post Open House—or better yet, you’ll find a new place for them in your new abode.
4. Show off your home’s individuality:
Take a fresh look through your home and ID any awkward spaces that could be made over in a most ingenious and efficient way. A window reading nook, a workstation in a kitchen alcove or a tiny powder room tucked beneath a staircase: These are great opportunities to charm and to optimize your home’s selling points to a buyer.
5. Recast a spare space:
If you have a tiny extra room or even a basement that has been used for storage or as a repository for random boxes of junk and supplies, clear it out and make it over. A fresh coat of paint and a bit of inexpensive furniture will simply and affordably recast the room into a usable and desirable space in the eyes of visitors who may be daydreaming of home offices, guest rooms or spare bedrooms.
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