- Clean and declutter
Shiny floors, sparkling windows, pristine grout and gleaming appliances: Cleanliness is next to godliness when it comes to impressing potential buyers. A clean tidy home makes the space look well kept, bigger and brighter. And be ruthless about those cascading piles on counters and in closets: Get rid of them. If you don’t have the time or inclination to do the dirty work, hire a pro.
- Use mirrors
They’ll brighten and lighten your space whether placed at the front door, in a hallway, lined up in a row in the dining room or leaning against a living room wall to create a striking focal point. The pros also understand that a mirror’s reflective surface helps create the illusion of more square footage, so tap this tip especially if you’re presenting a small space.
- Polish up with paint
Nothing makes a house a home quite like a fresh coat of paint. It revitalizes a tired room instantly, gets rid of scuff marks, and can quickly modernize outdated décor. For staging, stick with sophisticated neutrals as too-trendy colours can be a potential turnoff.
- Freshen up your front
Make a valuable first impression before prospective buyers even cross the threshold. Start by cleaning up the yard—grass should be well-kept, containers full of healthy plants, flower beds neat. And pay attention to your entranceway. Details make a difference. New house numbers, mailbox, a glossy new porch light and maybe even a piece of furniture create a welcoming attitude.
- Make it smell like home
It’s common sense but worth discussing: Make sure your house smells good. Eliminate pet odors or other undesirable aromas and accessorize your open-house with beautiful fragrant flowers or even fragrant candles. And yes, you absolutely can put that pie in the oven an hour before the open house begins. Our sense of smell is powerful and fundamentally tied to our feel-good memories so why not tap its persuasive power?